Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Fun!

The Saturday before last we made a trip to a pumpkin patch near us and had a great time. Laurel got to pick out her own pumpkin, feed the animals, play on an awesome playground, take a hay ride, and play with a table full of corn. What more could a girl ask for? Matt and I had fun watching Laurel having so much fun. She really experiences life to the fullest and although that can be exhausting sometimes it is usually such a joy to see her learn and grow everyday. I wish I had her energy! What was her favorite part? The playground of course!

Laurel on her first hayride!

Finding the lama. When she saw the lama she said, "ears!" I guess she thought he had funny ears, so cute!

And feeding the goats. She really liked it when they ate out of her hand!

We tried to get a good picture with the pumpkins but this is the best we could do. She would not sit still or look at the camera. In this picture she was looking back at the playground!

Laurel loved the playground. The tire swing was neat!

The slide was so fun! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

Playing with the corn!
I took her to another pumpkin patch last week and I'll post pictures of that soon! I hope everyone is having a good fall.


Anna said...

Oh, that looks like it was so much fun for her! We haven't really done anything like that, we don't even have a pumpkin :/ but we have been hitting up the playground when the weather is nice. Laurel looks like she's getting tall, and yeah, it's so fun to watch them enjoy new experiences!

Roban said...

I have photos of Hannah at that age in a pumpkin patch. It is fun to watch them experience new things! I'm sure Christmas will be especially fun this year, too.