Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello Summer!!

Laurel finished school last week and we are ready to have a fun filled summer. Lots of swimming (it is already so HOT), gymnastics, $3 kids movies, story time at the library, and lots of time with friends.

Speaking of school it seems like Laurel just started her first year and now she is all done.

Here she is on her first day of school last August in front of the doors to her school

And here she is on her last day in roughly the same spot. What a difference! She is such a big girl now!
I'm really looking forward to this summer and I'm praying we don't have any broken bones like last summer!


Roban said...

Laurel looks as precious as ever! Has she been going half days this year or all day? Your summer plans sound great. Enjoy your time with Laurel. Time really does fly!

Anna said...

I love the Ariel barbie in the sprinkler. That was me when I was a little kiddo! And the pics from the first and last day of school just kind of make me depressed: do they really grow THAT MUCH so quickly?! Oh man, I don't know if I can take it. Anyway I hope you guys have fun broken-bone-less summer! :)