Thursday, May 27, 2010

Matt and His Merry Men

I've got to record this conversation that Laurel and I had at dinner tonight before I forget it.

Laurel fell down on the way to the dinner table and started crying that she hurt her knees. Matt kissed them and Laurel said she was all better. We began eating dinner and Laurel started rehashing how she fell and got hurt and how, "Daddy made it all better!" I said that Daddy must be a superhero if he could heal her with a kiss. I then said, "Is Daddy like Superman? How about Super Grover?" Laurel said, "No, Daddy is Robin Hood!"

For those of you who don't know Matt likes to shoot a bow for fun. He used to do it a lot when we were first married and just recently set up a target out back and started again. Laurel loves to watch him shoot from the window.

I thought it was so cute and smart for her to make the connection from Robin Hood in the Disney movie (which she loves) to Daddy in real life.


Susan said...

That's very sweet. What a smart girl!

The Snavelys said...

So cute! Tell Matt he should start sporting tights when he goes hunting oh yeah and a hat with a feather! :)

Roban said...

What a smart girl! I know she's learning and making connections every day with you at home. You will continue to be amazed and delighted!