I have a lot of posts I need to do about our fun trip to the circus, my birthday, our snow day, and Valentines Day but my baby is sick right now and that is all I can think about. Doesn't this picture just say it all? Laurel is NOT feeling well!
She seemed a little out of sorts last Wednesday, but she woke up about an hour early and I figured that was all it was. She is NOT happy if she does not get her beauty sleep (just like her mama). I put her down for a nap and she slept three and a half hours which is really, really long for her. When I went in to get her I knew something was wrong since she was just laying there in a sad little heap instead of climbing out of the crib like she normally does. I realized that she was very hot and I took her temperature which was 103 degrees. I began freaking out and then realized there was no Tylenol in the house. So I called Matt and he was almost home and didn't answer since we don't have service on the back roads close to our house. He got home and had to turn around and go back out on an emergency run to Kroger. Laurel and I got cozy on the couch and watched Beauty and the Beast. She LOVES this movie, but it was the first time she sat and watched the entire thing. Usually 15-20 minutes is the longest she sits still so I knew she must have been feeling really bad. I got some medicine in her and she seemed a little better, but as soon as it wore off she was burning hot again. We had a bad night with her up every hour and me holding her most of the night.
We went to the doctor in the morning and she still had a fever and also a double ear infection. We were on the way to pick up her medicine when she puked all over herself and the car seat. Lovely. We went home and poor Matt had to go get her medicine since I had a pukey kid and car to deal with. Thursday is a blur of puking and cleaning up which went on all day. I was thrown up on more times than I can count. We had another bad night where it seems like I spent all night rocking her back to sleep.
Friday she actually seemed MUCH better. No fever, no puking, just a little tired. We hung out all weekend in our pjs and did some fun Valentines stuff, but mostly just watched movies.
Saturday she sounded a little hoarse to me and then she started coughing. My baby has NEVER had a cough before and it freaked me out.
By Sunday her voice was almost completely gone. She sounds like a 70 year old woman who has been smoking for 50 years. So, so sad. I was planning on taking her back to the doctor, but she slept great (15 hours!) and didn't cough once. I checked on her many times to make sure she was still breathing and she was sleeping peacefully each time. I thought she was finally on the mend.
This morning she seemed all better except her voice, but then started coughing again during her nap. She woke herself up and was not happy about it. So it is back to the doctor for us tomorrow. I hope she is better soon. She is so tired of being sick. She has watched every movie we have and she is over it.
I'm definitely going to have some work to do once she is better though. She has totally regressed with her potty training. She is allowed to drag her blankey and paci around the house whenever she wants. I'm rocking her to sleep each night like I did when she was a tiny baby. She can watch TV whenever she wants. She gets treats for taking her medicine without too much of a fuss. I do nothing but hold her all day, but what else can I do? My baby is sick and all I want is for her to feel better. If you ask Laurel if she is sick though she will say, "No, I not sickie! I go outside and play!"
Oh, that poor, sickie baby. She does look sad in that picture... and all those stuffed animals around her to cheer her up.
I hope she feels better soon. There's nothing worse than a sick child, especially when they can't tell you what even hurts. Until then, blankie and paci and movies sound just right.
That picture has to be one of the most pitiful I've seen in a while! Poor thing!! I sure hope the doctor had something helpful to say (along with a helpful pX if necessary). Kudos to you for hanging in there for her. Hopefully she feels and gets better very soon!
Poor Laurel! She was an adorable sickie though! :) You have such a precious little girl!! I only wish I got to see her more often. :(
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