Laurel started "real" preschool this Fall and it has been a huge success. Last year she went to a Mother's Morning Out program one day a week and I was a little worried about her going three days a week for three hours a day. As usual, I had nothing to worry about. Laurel loved it from day one. She walked in and couldn't even be bothered to hug Matt and I goodbye. She was too busy playing and never looked back. Matt and I stood outside by the one way mirror for a little while and watched her and she was having a grand old time. She is growing up so fast; it is sad and exciting at the same time.
She loves going to school everyday. They are always doing something fun. Besides having a real PE class in a real gym and a music class once a week they also have special color days once a month, they have gone on field trips, put on programs, etc. Everyday is something new and fun.
Laurel's school is through a local Baptist church and they learn bible verses every month and have chapel once a month. Laurel loves to memorize her bible verses.
I'm so happy she enjoys school and loves her teachers and friends and I hope it stays that way throughout her school days!
Here is a picture of Laurel on the first day of school hanging up her bag.
Laurel before "Fun with Apples" day at school.
Laurel having a ball at the school Fall Festival.
First field trip!! So much fun.
Laurel helping her Grandma with a special story time after she was chosen to take Mr. Bubbles (the class mascot) home for the weekend.
Laurel's first program was a huge hit. Matt and I loved hearing the bible verse, songs, poems, and cute little voices of a bunch of three year olds.
The school year is halfway over which I can't believe. I hope the second half is just as much fun as the first!