Saturday, April 24, 2010

Easter Fun!

Holidays are so much fun and Easter was no exception. Laurel had a ball with everything. She loved all the Easter egg hunts and dying and decorating Easter eggs. She had so much fun making Easter crafts (although she still asks to make Valentines all the time too). She was so excited for the Easter Bunny to come and bring her Easter basket. She wanted a jump rope so bad (ever since she saw some at the circus) so we got her one even though she is too little to use it right. She jumps and swings the rope around crazily and is happy!

Her favorite thing about Easter was all the candy though. She is still asking for chocolate all the time. Last year she could have cared less and Matt and I ate almost all of her candy but not this year.

We tried to teach her about the real meaning of Easter but she didn't really seem to "get" it. She did so great with Christmas and could understand the whole Santa thing and that we were celebrating Jesus's birth also. She was all about the Easter bunny this year though. I did teach a lesson in Nursery about the real meaning of Easter and when I asked what Easter was about she said Jesus, but that was the only time. Every other time it was the Easter Bunny. She still talks about him (and Santa too).

I took way too many pictures and here are a few of my favorites. Like I said holidays are fun!

The first picture and the two below are pictures of Laurel in her Easter dresses. I don't know how but she ended up with three this year. The first one my mom bought for her.

This one I got for her. I love smocked dresses. They look so sweet on little girls! :)

My Mother-in-law got this one for Laurel. The bunnies are so cute.

Laurel at the church Easter egg hunt.

Making a craft with Daddy.

She found the golden egg!
Showing off her eggs.

Her Easter basket with her eggs and crafts.

Eating a cupcake. I think she liked it!

Laurel had a blast dying eggs. We did it outside so I wouldn't be stressed about the mess. Laurel was covered in dye and it took me a long time to get it all off.

Laurel's Easter basket. The jump rope was a big hit. She really wanted these princess pjs that she saw the other day. We got her a kite (that we have tried to fly twice but can't get it up!). She also got some bubbles, bathtub paint, a book, a mother and baby stuffed duck, bucket and shovel, and lots of candy of course.

Laurel when she saw her basket. She said, "I don't see my jump rope!"

Then she saw it and started to jump. So funny! We really need to get a video of it; pictures do not do it justice.

Then we had an Easter egg hunt with the dyed eggs. Matt hid them in a bunch of funny places and Laurel was loving it.

Finally we went to Matt's parents for a great Easter dinner and Laurel had another Easter egg hunt.

What a fun Easter!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Cherry Blossom Festival

We had so much fun this year at the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. When I think about how Laurel was just a little thing last year it makes me a little sad though. She couldn't do much. This year she was full on big girl and wanted to do everything! She rode all the rides by herself, stayed up late to see the hot air balloons, and even ate her first fair food.

Here is Laurel at the Hot Air Balloon Glow on the first weekend of the festival. She was running around having a great time while we waited for the hot air balloons to go up.

She got to go through this jumpy house a few times and had a ball.

Finally, the hot air balloons went up. It was beautiful and Laurel loved it.

Watching two balloons near us go up. Laurel kept saying, "they are kissing!"

Trying to get a picture of Laurel...she is trying to escape as always!

Watching the hot air balloons light up. She was amazed.
Later in the week we went down the park to see the seal show and ride the rides with my dad. We all had a blast!

Here is Laurel sitting on her Papa's shoulders watching the seal show. If you can't tell, she liked it!

First ride she has ever been on by herself. She loved it as you can tell from this picture!

More rides. She called this one Nemo, as in "I want to ride Nemo again!"

Riding a pony with her Papa.

This was her favorite part of the day. Laurel kept asking to go on this and "jump like in nastics (gymnastics)!" I thought she was too little, but my dad thought she would like it. She LOVED it and the guy running it was so nice and let Laurel say on for about 20 minutes. Thanks dad!

Laurel eating her first funnel cake. She was not interested in posing for a picture and wanted to dig in. She really liked it and so did I!

We had such a great time and it was so fun to see Laurel enjoy herself so much. That girl loves life! :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Playgrounds, Playgrounds,and More Playgrounds!

I'm so glad the weather has turned nice and it is not freezing outside anymore. Winter and toddler does not mix well. We have been going to playgrounds like crazy lately since we have been a little stir crazy from being cooped up in the house all winter. You can tell how much Laurel loves to swing and slide from these pictures!


My little baby on a big girl swing...tear, she is all grown up!

We are trying to go to the playground lots before it gets burning up. We love spring! Thank you for finally coming; I thought you would never get here!

Let it Snow!

I'm so behind with my posting but I have to write about Laurel's second snow. She enjoyed it last year when it snowed but she was only13 months old. This year she really understood what was happening. As soon as it started snowing she yelled, "Mommy it snowing! I go make a Frosty!" Which is just what she did.

Here is Laurel pointing to her snowman.

And kissing him.

She had to make a snow angel too. The snow was pretty wet though so we had to take her inside after that and change her clothes.

The next morning we went for a family tractor ride to look at all the snow. It was so pretty!

Then Laurel played in the snow some more. The snow was great for making and throwing snowballs.

I hope it snows every year, but I'm not crossing my fingers...I seriously can't believe it snowed two years in a row!

Let's Celebrate!!

Everything is loads more fun when you have a toddler in the house and that goes double for birthdays and holidays. Laurel made my birthday so special this year. She sang Happy Birthday to me for weeks before and after; it was so cute. We went to the circus for my birthday and I just loved seeing Laurel so excited. She loved the clowns, juggling, and the animals. I really enjoyed it too, but I'm a kid at heart!

Here is Laurel watching the pre-show on Matt's shoulders, her preferred way to sit lately.

I have never been one to get all into Valentines day but we went all out this year. We gave Laurel a big heart shaped balloon and she played with that thing for weeks until it finally died. We did Valentines crafts for weeks leading up to the day (Laurel still asks to "make a Valentine" all the time) and we made heart shaped cookies and pancakes too.

Laurel loved rolling the dough, cutting out the hearts, and putting on the sprinkles.

Laurel enjoying her pancakes on Valentines morning.

Even St. Patrick's Day is fun! Here is a picture of Laurel dressed all in green and trying to pinch me since I was not wearing green.

Matt and I celebrated our 7th anniversary on March 31st and although I forgot to take any pictures we had a great dinner out (all by ourselves, thanks Dad!) and we actually talked about non Laurel things for most of the dinner. Amazing, I know!

We have Matt's birthday in April and then most of our fun holidays are over for awhile...of course 4th of July will be here before you know it (hopefully Laurel won't be scared of the fireworks this time!).