My friend Connie and I took our girls to an animal resuce zoo called Noah's Ark. It was a REALLY hot day for March, but the girls had a great time. I think the girls enjoyed playing together more than they did the animals, but they really liked the "petting" area with pigs and deer. Laurel was making pig snorts the whole time she was playing with the pigs. It was so cute!

Laurel petting a deer.
She loved the pigs and was trying to jump out of my arms to go pet them.

Laurel looking at a zebra.
Laurel really wanted to pick up this rock...don't ask me why, but it was pretty funny how hard she was trying!

Emily and Laurel thought the sticks were also very cool (here is Laurel not sharing which is very common)

Come get me!

I love this picture...the girls rather play with each other than look at the monkeys.

Looking at the animals.

Awww...how sweet, holding hands.